Mechanical Engineers
CDR Sample for Mechanical Engineers

CDR Sample for Mechanical Engineers (ANZSCO 233512)
Mechanical Engineering (ANZSCO 233512) with a Bachelor’s Degree With technological advancement, there is an increment in the requirement of Mechanical Engineers in Australia. Now, engineers all around the world are eager for Australia Immigration and seeking a space to make an outstanding career availing jobs in Australia. For this, you can prepare a CDR report for Mechanical Engineers according to the guidelines in Migration Skills booklet prepared by Engineers Australia.
The engineers with four years of Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering can apply for the post of Mechanical Engineers.
CDR Sample for Mechanical Engineers includes all the required reports such as Curriculum Vitae (CV), Continuing Professional Development (CPD), three Career Episodes (CE), and Summary Statement. The content of the CDR Report Samples is given below:
Resume on the basis of a professional template.
The sample of CPD clarifies the Engineering Knowledge of the applicant – 220 words.
“Designing of HVAC, plumbing and firefighting sections for the construction of new Al-ZULFI 380/132/33kv BSP Substation” – 2255 words
Mechanical Engineers Career Episode Sample 1
Project Name: Designing of HVAC System, plumbing system and firefighting system in Samsung Naffora Techno Valley Building
In the first Career Episode, the author describes his work in the project he carried out at the Assystem Radicon engineering consultant from 15th October 2008 to 20th April 2009. The name of the project was “Designing of HVAC System, plumbing system and firefighting system in Samsung Naffora Techno Valley Building” and his responsibilities were:
The name of the project was “The Fabrication and Study of PET/PTT Sheath-Core Monofilaments with Large Diameter Using a Single-Step Coaxial Melt-Spinning” and her responsibilities were:
To conduct a site survey regarding the installation of HVAC and record several observations such as designing of HVAC, layouts of firefighting, and so on, obtained from the survey.
To assemble all the major parts of the procedure to be carried out in the project and develop an orderly managed chart of methodology which showed the precise activities of procedure with key phases.
To select all the equipment of HVAC with the use of Vendor Catalogue and calculate the parameters to be included in the design of HVAC such as calculations of load, calculations of plumbing, and so on using the Elite software.
To design the precise model for the project i.e. HVAC plans, segments, schedule of equipment, supply of water, enlarged layouts, plans of protecting fire, isometrics of supply of water and drainage, and so on.
To analyze the prepared design, drawings, models and so on for the project to check if there were any faults in the design which could later impact the project at the time of implementation.
To prepare the report of the project that was prepared as design basis report for HVAC, plumbing and fire protection after which the conclusion of the project was given with the best solution of design.
Mechanical Engineers Career Episode Sample 2
Project Name: Designing of HVAC, plumbing and firefighting sections for the construction of new Al-ZULFI 380/132/33kv BSP Substation
In the second Career Episode, the author describes the project he executed as a Design Engineer at ASSystem-Radicon titled as “Designing of HVAC, plumbing and firefighting sections for the construction of new Al-ZULFI 380/132/33kv BSP Substation”. Some of his roles and responsibilities in this project were:
Her duties and responsibilities in the project “Red Light Controllable Liquid-Crystal Soft Actuators via Low-Power Excited up Conversion Based on Triplet- Triplet Annihilation” were:
To conduct a site survey and gather the information for designing various sections such as water supply system, HVAC system, firefighting systems, and so on.
To develop a flow chart of process for understanding various major steps to be taken in the project that helped to understand the methodological order of project
To perform the calculations of the HVAC load, calculations of fresh air sizing, and so on, with the use of Elite software and design the HVAC system using various plans, sections, schedule of equipment, and so on, using AutoCAD software.
Mechanical Engineers Career Episode Sample 3
Project Name: CP system based upon Optimizing of Anodes order quantity
In the third Career Episode, the author describes the project titled “CP system based upon Optimizing of Anodes order quantity”. He did this project while working at L&T Hydrocarbons. Some of his roles and responsibilities in this project were: