Civil Engineers
CDR Sample for Civil Engineers

CDR Sample for Civil Engineers ANZSCO (262111)
Civil Engineering ANZSCO (262111)Professionals design, plan, organise and oversee the construction of civil engineering projects such as dams, bridges, pipelines, gas and water supply schemes, sewerage systems, roads, airports and other structures; analyse the likely behaviour of soil and rock when placed under pressure by proposed structures and design structural foundations; analyse the statistical properties of all types of structures and test the behaviour and durability of materials used in their construction; plan and develop transportation systems; and estimate and monitor the construction costs of projects.
A CDR sample for Civil Engineers includes all the necessary reports such as a Curriculum Vitae (CV), Continuing Professional Development (CPD), three Career Episodes (CE), and a Summary Statement. The contents of the CDR Report Sample are detailed below:
Resume on the basis of a professional template.
The sample of CPD clarifies the Engineering Knowledge of the applicant – 250 words.
“Experimental Analysis of Glass Fiber in Concrete” – 1806 words
“Design of Residential Building Using Green Building Concept” – 1788 words
Detailed explanation of all the competency elements – 1771 words.
Civil Engineer Career Episode Sample 1
Project Name: Experimental Analysis of Glass Fiber in Concrete
In the first Career Episode, the author explains the project he carried out for the fulfillment of the degree of civil engineering. The project was titled as “Experimental Analysis of Glass Fiber in Concrete” and his roles were :
To study the properties along with the usage and types of Fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) and other material properties such as cement, aggregate (coarse and fine), and so forth.
To develop a methodology according to the time frame available for the execution of the project to avoid anomalies and inconsistencies at the time of the project.
To select the materials required for the project such as cement, aggregate, glass fiber, GFC and water.
To perform mathematical calculations for various components of the project. To calculate the values of density, particular surface area, aspect ratio, length, and specific gravity, and diameter of the filament.
To mix the design for experimental analysis of glass fiber in concrete. To design the mixing solution of various materials such as cement, aggregate, glass fiber, and water.
To conduct the slump test and a droop test of cement under the gravity’s action.
To analyze the project and plot the graph for a percentage of glass fiber versus compression strength and percentage of glass fiber versus split tensile test.
Civil Engineer Career Episode Sample 2
Project Name: Design of Residential Building Using Green Building Concept
In the second Career Episode, the author describes in detail about the project titled as “Design of Residential Building Using Green Building Concept”. His roles and responsibilities were:
To complete the literature reviews from various journals concerning the idea of green construction practices and principles of design.
To set up the methodology of the project and plan the design of the green residential building.
To make the use of five eco principles for the design of the green residential building.
To carry out assessments of the efficiency of design and efficiency of energy and design the building accordingly.
To carry out assessments for the efficiency of material and the efficiency of water.
To consider provisions for the efficiency of indoor air top and carry out essential estimations of cost.
To prepare the final project report after accomplishing all the activities of the project.
Civil Engineer Career Episode Sample 3
Project Name: Designing a Vibrating Table
In third Career Episode, the author describes the project he was involved in B.E. Civil. The name of the project was “Designing a Vibrating Table”. The key responsibilities of the author were: