Chemical Engineers
CDR Sample for Chemical Engineers

CDR Sample for Chemical Engineers (ANZSCO 23111)
Since the economy of Australia is growing exponentially with the spectacular economic boom in Oil and Gas, and mining sector, there is a greater need for Chemical Engineers ANZSCO (23111) with relevant international experience. In order to eliminate the critical shortages of chemical engineering to overcome the delay in projects, skilled migration visas are opened for Chemical Engineers by the Australian Government.
he required qualification for entering this occupation is a bachelor’s degree or higher, along with relevant experience in some cases. CDR sample for Chemical Engineers includes all the required reports such as Curriculum Vitae (CV), Continuing Professional Development (CPD), three Career Episodes (CE), and Summary Statement. The content of the CDR Report Samples is given below:
Resume on the basis of a professional template.
The sample of CPD clarifies the Engineering Knowledge of the applicant – 127 words.
“Steam Activated Carbon Plant” – 2100 words
Chemical Engineer Career Episode Sample 1
Project Name: Production of Acetaldehyde
In the first Career Episode, the author provides comprehensive detail on the project titled as “Production of Acetaldehyde”. He carried out this project when he was working as an Executive Trainee. The important roles and responsibilities he reflected in this project were:
Carry out the selection of the process for the production of acetaldehyde.
Formulate the flowchart and make the instrument for the formation of acetaldehyde.
Carry out the calculation of the mass balance and heat balance, and reaction for the specified chemical reaction.
Carry out the acetaldehyde production from the dehydration of ethanol.
Separate produced acetaldehyde, conduct test to guarantee the quality of product, and document the result.
Chemical Engineer Career Episode Sample 2
Project Name: Steam Activated Carbon Plant
In the second Career Episode, the author discusses the project he carried out when he was working as Chemical Technician, titled “Steam Activated Carbon Plant”. His key responsibilities were:
To establish the suitable methods and techniques for productive improvement of the project work till the end.
To perform numerous calculation related to the quantity of the raw materials needed along with an approximation of the overall project cost.
To establish the suitable design of the manufacturing of the activated carbon in the plant.
To perform an analysis as well as investigation in relation to the feasibility of the project taking the design and economic factors into consideration.
To establish a test analysis of complete activities and design of the project as well as analyze the results.
Chemical Engineer Career Episode Sample 3
Project Name: Developing Tabulation of Additive Consumption in the Extruder Section and Optimizing it
In third Career Episode, the author explains the project he was involved during Master’s Degree Study, which was named as “Developing Tabulation of Additive Consumption in the Extruder Section and Optimizing it”. The author had following responsibilities in this project: